Four Kings

A mind of his own, a trend setter and go-getter. Growing up to be a leader and not a follower. Abiding by the rules, analyzing situations to understand the difference between right, wrong and consequences, both good and bad. An easy going soul but not one to be walked over. He may not show his emotions, but if you know him and pay attention, you will see what he feels. One to take charge and let it be known how things should be. Completing life’s goals one by one and I couldn’t be more proud. He is there playing and living a role that is an honor, a responsibility and something to be proud of….a big brother to 3 young, growing men. A teacher in his own way, to those who are around him on daily. Patience, humor and self reassurance is indirectly taught and I for one have definitely been a student. My first born son Jason: “The healer”

Unique and true to his name, a free spirit and one to not be pulled in any direction. His mind is made up as he debates and challenges to prove his point. If you needed a real life definition of a sour patch, this would be him. Cuts no breaks in what needs to be said but is one of the most lovable humans in my life. True to himself no matter what anyone in this world may think. He doesn’t change and I admire that. He does his best to stay prepared and ahead of the game, questions the questionable and isn’t afraid to ask the right questions. Boldness, confidence and faith is what comes to mind when I speak of this young man. Ojavion, truly lives up to his name by being the unique person that he is.

Very quiet but his mind is always on go! Selective with his interactions and assesses the scene before diving in. He opens up when he’s ready to trust and not a minute sooner. Artistic in both story telling and pictures. A talent that I adore so much. A young man who shows empathy, passion and emotion. His love for others is amazing. Indecisive at times but it’s because he knows what he wants and refuses to settle. Picky in his ways, but his ways are clear and understood. He is the behind the scenes kind of young man and I can relate. Meticulous, caring and crafty are the words for my soul twin. My Jayden, meaning “he will judge and thankful”.

The youngest of the bunch yet the one with the biggest personality. Stubborn as a bull but he stands on what he knows. Very insightful and is great on explaining his point of views in any situation. He loves to explore and his innocence allows him to be free while doing so. A jokester, his sense of humor is contagious. His mother’s shadow in the physical and emotional form. He respectfully speaks his mind so freely. A young man of many words, thoughts and ideas, things that are encouraged to keep that confidence. Carefree, strong willed and inquisitive describe Justin, “just, uproar and righteous.”


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